I am trying to create solution for examination questions.
Each question can be allocated to one of 38 key topics and only one of 38 topics
I have decided to do this using a value list based on a table of Key topics
Each Key Topic has a name and a code (an alphanumeric value)
In the Question layout I want to have a drop down menu to chose the Key Topic and have the code auto-populate using a related field.
I am struggling to understand the relationship because the Question seems to be the parent in the relationship, but it can only have one child - so seems to me to be a one to one relationship or an attribute!!
When I design the relationship diagram and join the fields Key Topic to Key Topic - FM draws this as a many to many relationship, which seems wrong (Technique 1)
So I redesigned the database using a join table (Technique 2) - This also seems wrong because one question can only have one Key Topic Line Item and not many.
Paradoxically, both techniques seem to work in practice. I am worried if I use this technique I might end up in trouble further down the line.
Any advice / clarification?
Many thanks